Bela Vana, Braj is located on the other side of Shri Yamuna Devi, Vrindavan. Here is Shortest way to go to Belvana from Vrindavan, One can go from an unconstructed road or short bridge of Shri Yamuna, which connects outside of Banshivata, Dhira Samira etc and it goes to Mansarovar, Belvana.
It is called as Bela Vana as this forest is having ample amount of bael trees at the time of divine appearance of Shree Krishn. Shree Krishn performs different types of divine pastimes in this super attractive Bael forest(Belban) while herding cows with his companions and tasting ripe fruits as well. It is also one among twelve main forests of Braj. Today it is the attraction of many as deity of Goddess Laxmi and her located temple is situated here.
Belvan is the site where Lakshmi Devi came ...Read more